Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to Learn from failure?

How to learn from failure?

If you want to get success in your life than you have to cross many failures. So you should know how you can learn from failure. This article will help you in this.
First make a list of works which you have done for your goal.  
Now divide them into two parts.
First write those works which gave you profit. These are the works which you should repeat again. You can improve them also.
Second write those works which gave you loss.
These are the works which you should not do again. Some works of them can be improved.
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Monday, March 23, 2020

Hardwork vs Smartwork, How to do Smartwork?

Hardwork vs Smartwork

How to do Smartwork?

Success only comes by combination of Hardwork and Smartwork not only by Hardwork. 
So now question comes how we can check that we are doing only hardwork or both.


When you do hardwork, you work until you achieve your goal but you never check your progress, mistake, success, way etc.
Hardwork is must for success because one who is hardworker he never gives up. But only hardwork is not enough for success because we get success but a little or very late.


During Smartwork you do hardwork for your goal but including these points:-
  • You check if you are working hard on right way or not. If not you change it immediately.
  • You check if your speed is enough or not for achieving your goal on time. If not you increase your speed.
  • You check if you are doing anything wrong or not. If yes, you list down all mistakes and cure them.
  • You also acquire new skills with your work which improve your work. (आपने कुल्हाड़ी को धार लगाने वाली कहानी तो सुनी ही होगी, if not click, in this link video is not mine)
  • Most important:- You think 
How can I improve my work?
What can I eliminate to make better my work?
What can I add to my work to improve it?
How can I increase speed of my work?
What can be a new way to do it?

So finally we can say that
Hardwork - More effort - More time - Less success
Smart work - Less effort - Less time - More success.
To understand more about Smartwork click the link below
Pablo vs Bruno(in this link video is not mine.)
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Sunday, March 22, 2020

How to achieve your goal?

How to achieve your goal?

All we have many goals in life but we achieve only a few. In this blog I am sharing step by step process to achieve your all goals. Read the full blog.

6 steps to achieve your goals

#1. Write your goal with deadline
First, write your goal which should be smart.
S - Specific ( Characteristics of goal)
A car ×, Hyundai grand i 10 car✓
M - Measurable ( Give a number to it)
A lot money ×, 1,00,000 in this month✓
A - Achievable ( It should be practical)
Millionaire in this week ×
R - Relevant ( It should be legal and ethical)
T - Time bound ( Give a deadline to it)
I will buy this car within 6 months✓

#2. List of works
Make a list of work which you have to do for achieving your goal
Make a list of things which you will need in achieving this goal.
Make a list of ideas of work so that you can achieve your goal.
  • Choose the best work among your list.
  • Collect all necessary things.
#3. Upcoming obstacles
When river flows it gets stones in its way but it makes a way. 
Rivers  don't go reverse. - Dr Vivek Bindra
Write upcoming problems in advance so that you don't have to reverse.
#4. Write solutions
Write all the solutions which you will do for upcoming problems.
Problems come, you will solve.×
Do preparation, problem can't come.✓
#5. Action
Now it's time to take action. Do hardwork for your goals.
#6. Stick to your goal
Many problems will come to stop you. You have to hold your goal until you achieve it.
The only secret to achieve your goals- Never give up.
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Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to become an expert of any field?

How to become an expert in any field?

If you want to get succeed in any field than you should be an expert of that particular field. There are four major steps to be master of any field. Read the full blog to know about them.

4 steps to become an expert

#1. Learn
To become an expert first we should get as much knowledge and information as we can. 
Always get knowledge from right sources. Right sources mean those people who have got succeed in that particular field, who are the expert of that particular field.
  • Read their books
  • Read their biography
  • Watch their interviews and videos
  • Take a particular coaching from any expert
  • Most important:- Also read about those people who have got failed in that particular field. You will learn those mistakes which you should not do.
#2. Practice and get experience
Only knowledge is waste if it is not implemented. So you should not collect only information but also apply. Not theoretical but practical gives you confidence.
So learn and apply, learn and apply

  • You can do a job related to that field.
  • You can do some work for free.
  • Collect your feedback both negative and positive.
#3. Check
Now observe your mistakes in your work. You can do it self and also you can take feedbacks of people.
  • Make a list of mistakes.
  • Think why you did that mistake.(list of reasons)
  • Think how you can overcome it.(list of solutions)
  • Write the learnings from each mistake.
#4. Cure
Now cure all your mistakes. For it you have to repeat all three steps again.

  • First get learnings from that mistake.
  • Second apply them into a job or work.
  • Now again check your mistakes
  • If mistakes are there, repeat again this process.
After repeating this cycle again and again you will be an expert and a master of that field.
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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Crack govt job exams, 12th fail book summary part 2 by Narendra yadav

Crack govt job exams
12th fail book summary

Part 2
Study lesson from 12th fail book

  • जब भी आप पढ़ाई शुरू करो तो stopwatch on कर दो। अगर बीच में आप किसी से बात करो या कुछ भी करो तो stopwatch off करो और जब फिर से पढ़ो तो ऑन कर दो। इससे आपको पता चल पायेगा कि कितनी पढ़ाई आपने वास्तव में की। हकीकत में हम उतना नहीं पढ़ते हैं जितना कि हम सोचते हैं क्योंकि पढ़ते वक़्त हम बीच में कई काम कर लेते है।
  • किसी भी प्रश्न का उत्तर लिखने से पहले हमेशा उसकी रूपरेखा तैयार करो क्योंकि जो तैयारी करते हैं उत्तर सबको मालूम है लेकिन उत्तर कितनी अच्छी शैली में लिखा गया ताकि जांच करने वाले को अच्छी तरह समझ आ सके, मार्क्स इसी बात के मिलते हैं।
  • गलती आप फाइनल टेस्ट में करो इससे अच्छा ये होगा कि प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट में करो। इतने मॉक टेस्ट दो कि सारी गलती पहले ही पता चल जाए और सुधर जाए। केवल याद करने की बजाय याद करना और प्रैक्टिस दोनों को साथ चलने दो।
  • हर चैप्टर या प्रश्न याद होने पर खुद को शाबाशी दो जिससे आपको सेल्फ मोटिवेशन मिलेगा।
  • आपका लक्ष्य नौकरी नहीं देश सेवा होना चाहिए।
I must advise you to read this book if you are preparing for IAS or any govt job exam.
Click here for part 1
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Crack govt job exam, 12th fail book summary by Narendra yadav

12th fail
Book summary
Crack govt job exams

If you want to crack govt job exams, specially IAS, you should read this book summary or this book named 12th fail.
This book will make you able to crack any govt job exam, to be honest in tough situation.

Key learnings from 12th fail book

Part 1 Life lessons
  • अभ्यास और मेहनत ये दोनों ऐसी चीजे है जो कमजोर से कमजोर इंसान को भी सफल बना देती है। जिस प्रकार किताब का नायक मनोज 10th और 12th में भी चीटिंग द्वारा पास होता है वहीं दूसरी तरफ वह लगातार मेहनत और  अभ्यास से  सबसे बड़ी परीक्षा आईएस को भी पास कर लेता है।

  • हालात कैसे भी हो, उनमें खुशी ढूंढ़ लेनी चाहिए क्योंकि आज जो आपकी जिंदगी है वो भी बहुत सारे लोगों का सपना है। कहानी में एक जगह मनोज जिंदगी में आने वाली लगातार मुश्किलों से बहुत उदास होता है लेकिन उसी समय जब गली में से बारात जा रही होती हैं तो वह वहां जाकर बहुत देर तक नाचता है और पुनः अपने काम पर लग जाता है।
  • जिंदगी में चाहे कैसी भी situations आ जाए हमे अपनी ईमानदारी से बिल्कुल भी समझौता नहीं करना चाहिए। मनोज की जिंदगी भी उसे कई मौके देती है जहां वो बेईमानी से अपनी समस्याओं को आसान कर सकता था परन्तु वो ईमानदारी नहीं छोड़ता है जिसकी वजह से कई बार उसकी जिंदगी बहुत मुश्किल में पड़ जाती है लेकिन वो हार नहीं मानता है और आखिरकार उसकी ईमानदारी उसे सफल बना देती है।
  • अगर आपकी भी किसी काम पर ego hurt होती है तो हर वो काम करो ताकि ego hurt  होना बंद हो जाए। मनोज की जिंदगी में भी जब वो तीन दिन से भूखा होता है तो वो एक होटल में जाकर वो काम के बदले खाना मांगता है। होटल का मालिक उसे बिना काम किए खाना ऑफर करता है किन्तु वो अपनी ईमानदारी पर अड़ा रहता है और अंत में काम करके वहां खाना खाता है।
  • किताबे पढ़ने की आदत डाल लो क्योंकि किताबे ही जिंदगी की मुश्किलों से लडने की हिम्मत देती है और आपको एक अच्छा, ईमानदार और मजबूत इंसान बनाती है। मनोज भी अपनी लाइफ में ढेर सारी प्रेरक पुस्तकें पढ़ता है जो अंत में उसकी सफलता का मुख्य कारण बनती है।
  • जब आपके पास है तब तो आप मदद कर ही सकते हैं किन्तु आपके पास कुछ न भी हो फिर भी आप लोगो की मदद करे तो आपसे महान कोई नहीं। जैसा कि मनोज करता है एक बार कुछ लोगो की मदद के लिए वो लोगो से भीख भी मांगता है।
"उड़ान ऊंची रखो, मंजिल मिले या न मिले पंख तो मजबूत होंगे।"
"मेरा काम मदद करना है, कौन सही और कौन गलत ये सोचना नहीं।"
"आपके पास समय की कमी नहीं है बस उसका मैनेजमेंट सीख लो।"
Govt job Exam कैसे पास करने है और तैयारी कैसे करनी है इसका उल्लेख दूसरे पार्ट में किया गया है।

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to stay motivated always by Narendra yadav

How to stay motivated always?

Every body is under stress these days whether student or anyone. In this blog I am sharing 4 best and used tips to be stay motivated always.
#1. Motivational speaker
Keep learning from Motivational speakers. When you listen them, you learn something new and you get to know about your defaults. You can cure your defaults and you can grow. 
India is hub of Motivational speakers like Sandeep maheshwari, Dr Vivek Bindra, Himeesh madaan, Ts madaan, Sonu Sharma, Abby viral, Ujjwal patni and many more.
#2. Dream
Remember your dream. Remember what you will get from your work like money, car, home etc. 

Keep your dreams in front of you on your wall or on study/work table. Your dreams will motivate you to do work.

#3. Purpose
Remember your purpose why you have started your work. Think what effect will come on society or country by your work.
For example if you are a teacher, your work will make future of country because students are base of any country. So when you will recall your purpose, you will get motivation from inside.
#4. Insult
Remember your insult, remember that time when you were called fool or mental by someone, remember when you were insulted. Your insult will motivate you to do work. Reply by work not by words.

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