Friday, February 21, 2020

Why 95% resolution fail?

Why 95% resolutions fail?

Every new year or any special day many people take the resolution to change their lives but 95% of them get fail. In this blog I am sharing 3 reasons with solutions.
1. Procastination
Many resolutions get fail because they never start due to procastination. I will start from Monday, I will start after this exam, I will start after this this.. but you will never start because there will be always problems in life.
Solution- start now whether anything is going on in your life.
2. Fear of mistakes
When we take resolution, we commit to ourselves that I will not do any mistake, no break of resolution but it never happens mistakes always happen. When mistakes happens, we can't stand up again because we think I can't do it.
Solution- on the time of taking resolution whether plenty of mistakes will be happen but after every mistake I will stand up again and restart.
3. One day Gap
After some days of starting resolution we think that I have done enough. Let's take a gap of one day. But this one day Gap breaks your momentum and it becomes a huge gap.
Solution- Instead of saying one day Gap, say that one day more. It will keep you energetic and one day it will become your habit. You can't break this whether you want.

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