Saturday, May 9, 2020

Books you must read by Narendra yadav

Books you must read

Reading is a good habit. If you want to be successful than you should include this in your life.
Every great leader is a reader.
Here is a list of some good books:-
  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad (business)
  2. लोक व्यवहार / How to win friends and influence
  3. बड़ी सोच का बड़ा जादू / The magic of thinking big
  4. Corporate chankya
  5. जीत आपकी / You can win
  6. The alchemist
  7. अति प्रभावकारी लोगों की सात आदतें/ Seven habits of highly effective people
  8. सोचो और अमीर बनो / Think and grow rich
  9. सोच बदलो जिंदगी बदलो / Think and change your life
  10. असफलता का त्याग
  11. 12th फेल
  12. Time management by Sudhir dixit
For more click here:-
Top 7 Motivational speakers of India

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