Saturday, April 11, 2020

What am I doing in this lockdown?

What am I doing in this lockdown?

Either you can waste this time or you can make a history in this time, it's your choice.
Most of the startups were started in such times. Read the full article to know about what you can do.

3 things to do in this lockdown

#1. Learn digitally
There are many skills which you can learn easily from internet. Some courses are paid and some are free. There are many YouTube channels on which many free courses are available.
Some apps:- udemy, seekhega India, badabusiness
If you have many skills, you can achieve your goals.
#2. Create digital identity
Bill gates says - if a business is not on the internet, it will not be in world.
So whatever you are doing in your life, take that digitally. There are many platforms where you can share your content related to your talent, your business. You can create audience and customers for your business and talent.
#3. Plan your future
This is the best time to make plan of your future and your business. Use this time to make plan of your life so that you can take action immediately after this lockdown.
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